From its beginning in 1996, Sure Foundation International is essentially what its name implies; it is an ‘apostolic’ network of “Priest and Kings”
(Revelation 1:6) collaborating together to facilitate the laying of ‘sure foundations’ internationally. Seeking to plant, develop, and implement business and ministry models in collaboration and relationship with Christ Centered ministries and Kingdom-minded businessmen especially targeting the disadvantaged, unreached and/or oppressed.
(Luke 14:23)The SFI Network has spearheaded, facilitated, helped finance, provided training or professional consultancy in the starting and developing of churches and fellowships, orphanages, schools, sustainable organic farms and a wide variety of ‘niche’ ministries to widows, prostitutes, drug addicts, children, orphans, and the sociopolitical or economically oppressed. Over the years, the network has partnered with established ministries or facilitated ministry or business startups in the following countries: Cambodia, China, Ghana, India, Japan, Liberia, Nepal, Philippines, Russia and others.
We believe that if one is truly born again and delivered from eternal darkness to the Kingdom of God, then there is an innate desire, put in the heart by the Holy Spirit, to please and honor the Lord Jesus Christ
(Psalm 40:8) and to keep his commandments. Nothing is more redundantly declared by our Lord directly or generally in scripture than these two commandments: that we seek him first, love him with all our being, and love or be ‘one’ with one another
(Mark 12:28-29, John 17:20-23, Philippians 2:3-4) and that we take that love to be ‘salt and light’
(Matthew 5:13-16) and witnesses to the nations and the utter most parts of the earth both in word and in deed!
(Matthew 28:18-20, John 20:10-23, Luke 24:46- 48, Mark 14:15, Acts 1:8)SFI is turning the bulk of our focus and resources towards ‘the byways and hedges’
(Luke 14:23) and have developed training schools and programs that are tested and proven to be effective to train up servants and laborers for this type of field. These are practical, ‘salty’, endeavors that are in great demand in our target countries where many times the direct preaching of the gospel is limited or risky. We have, and are, training and sending both indigenous and mission workers to the rural areas, as well as supporting ‘startup’ businesses and, when allowable, ministry projects into these areas where the conditions are harsh, resources scant, and laborers few.